Do you want to have more clarity on a new project, a new idea, for a new month or a new year, or anything that you want to manifest?

What is a Vision Mandala?

a sample vision mandala  If you want more clarity and focus on a new project, a new idea, for a new month or a new year, or anything that you want to manifest, a vision mandala is a great tool to help with that.

A vision mandala is a combination of a vision board in a form of a mandala, or in a circle. It is a great way to express our intention in a creative way through the world of imageries as a form of a collage. 

Why do we need a Vision Mandala?

Think of our vision, what we want to manifest and our intention, as seeds. And the mandala form is like the soil to help nurture our vision.

The process of creating a vision mandala is also a more organic process than a vision board. Instead of planning and choosing exactly what images we want to use to manifest our goals and intentions, we flip through old magazines, catalogues, brochures or any other paper goods to find the hidden gems that resonate and speak to our soul directly. 

Sometimes we may or may not know why a particular image speaks to us. It doesn’t matter. During the process, we focus on tuning into our intuition and allow the vision mandala to come together naturally. 

The magic lies in what happens after we complete our vision mandalas. You may find that elements of the vision mandala may manifest into reality. The fun part is that we may not know why we resonate with a certain image at the time we are making the vision mandala. Only afterwards, we can see how the symbols unfold in our realities.

The vision mandala also serves as a visual anchor to help us stay focused on our original intention, and stay on course on the right path to manifest our idea into reality. A vision mandala is truly a gift to help us stay connected to our vision that is aligned with our soul, heart and mind. 

In this Course, You will Receive

  • 6 short videos with English captions (less than 10 minutes each) to guide you through the course

  • Explanation of what a Vision Mandala is and how it works

  • Step-by-step process on how to create your Vision Mandala

  • A guided meditation to begin to help you drop into your heart and soul space

  • A guided meditation at the end to help you tune into an affirmation

  • Downloadable PDF guide on how to create a Vision Mandala

  • Lifetime access to this course

Course Facilitator

Meditation Teacher | Intuitive Soul Guide

Tania Ho

A Hong Kong native and founder of Museflower Retreat & Spa in Chiang Rai, Thailand, Tania helps you find clarity through meditation and intuition development and be in sync with your heart, mind, soul and Spirit. She has studied a number of holistic therapies including devotional chanting, labyrinth walk, cacao ceremony, shamanic journeying, flower essences, and energy healing.

Materials Needed for this Course

  • Blank Mandala

    Draw a circle on a blank piece of paper or print out our Blank Mandala PDF to get you started

  • Art Supplies

    Gather scissors, glue stick, color pencils, pens and markers to help create your vision mandala.

  • Old Magazines & Brochures

    Gather some old magazines, brochures, newspapers, flyers for selecting images for your vision mandala. If you don't have any print material, you can also print images out from the Internet.

  • Background Music - Optional

    Play any inspiring music in the background as you are creating your vision mandala to inject some fun.

Course Flow

  • 1

    Creating Your Vision Mandala with Tania

    • Part 1 - Introduction

    • Part 2 - Sample Mandala

    • Part 3 - Meditation to Begin

    • Part 4 - The Process

    • Part 5 - Meditation to Connect with Your Vision Mandala

    • Part 6 - Affirmation for Your Vision Mandala

    • Additional Support

    • Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this course for?

    This course is perfect for anyone (even young adults) who wants to get in touch with their Soul's guidance for more clarity on a new idea, new project, for the new month or new year, and to express their intention in a creative and fun way.

  • When can we make a vision mandala?

    We can create a vision mandala anytime, though it is important to set an intention for the vision mandala. What is the vision mandala for? Is it for a new year, a new month, a new project? Is it for a new house, new partner, or new goal you have? If you need extra motivation, join our free online workshop offered twice a year to make the vision mandala together.

  • What materials do I need to create a vision mandala?

    You'd need to a blank piece of paper as your vision mandala, as well as old magazines or brochures to flip through and to cut out images. If you do not have any old magazines, you can also print images from the internet. I recommend starting at Pinterest and to pin photos and images that resonate with you. You'd also need scissors, glue stick, color pencils and markers.

  • How long does it take to make one?

    The process of creating takes about a minute of 30 minutes to 90 minutes or longer. It’s great to give yourself permission to relax into it, and to take your time to enjoy the process. Play some music, drink tea or coffee as you are creating. Make it fun. It’s best to do this when you won’t be disturbed by others, though it is a great activity to do it together with friends and family.

  • When does the course start and end?

    This is a self-paced online course which means you can start and finish whenever is convenient for you. Once enrolled, you will have lifetime access to this course.

  • What is your cancellation and refund policy?

    Once you have signed up and paid for this course, it is non-refundable and non-cancellable.

  • I have more questions. How can I contact you?

    For any assistance and support, please send an email to Tania and our team at [email protected]

Find Clarity from Your Vision Mandala Today

Let your vision mandala anchor your intentions and manifest them into reality

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